Did you know that good oral health can positively impact your overall health? When our mouths are healthy, it reduces the risk of more serious health conditions like heart disease and stroke. While many adults are aware of this, a recent study found that there is still a need for continued education to bridge the knowledge gap between generational groups.
According to Delta Dental’s 2023 State of America’s Oral Health and Wellness Report, 92% of adults and 96% of parents with children understand the connection between oral health and physical health. This knowledge is shared among different generational groups, including Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials. The younger Gen Zs, however, ranked lowest at 73% in recognizing the link between good oral health and a healthier lifestyle.
Although most groups acknowledge the connection between oral health and body health, there’s still room for improvement in our daily dental care routines. While most of us brush our teeth twice a day, the numbers drop when it comes to other recommended daily practices such as flossing and using mouthwash.
Interestingly, the study found that the pandemic has made more people aware of the importance of dental hygiene. Out of over 2,000 U.S. adults surveyed, 59% of young adults ages 18 and over and 67% of parents with children ages 12 and under said they plan to maintain better oral health habits in the future. And that’s good news.
Taking care of your oral health not only keeps your mouth and body healthy but also saves you money. Adults who regularly visit their dentist (81%) say prevention works on two fronts — it prevents cavities and gum disease (66%) and saves money (87%).
While it’s clear that our daily oral health habits play a vital role in maintaining a healthy mouth and overall wellness, following the dental industry’s recommendations is the best way to ensure good oral health and overall well-being.
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