Winter 2023

Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes

Women sitting at a computer learning about diabetes.

Livongo's diabetes prevention program helps you reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes at no cost to you.

Did you know that over 130 million Americans are living with diabetes and prediabetes, but 84% of them don’t even know it? Through Moda Health’s partnership with Livongo, you have access to Livongo’s diabetes prevention program (DDP).

Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) program designed to help members who are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, the program is offered virtually through Livongo at no cost to Moda Health PEBB members who qualify.

Once enrolled as an active program participant, you’ll receive:

To learn more or get started, visit and use the registration code PEBB-MODA-DPP. For questions or if you need help enrolling, please call Livongo’s member support team at 800-945-4355.

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