With open enrollment just around the corner, remember that Delta Dental of Oregon’s Health through Oral Wellness® program is a great way to get more out of your dental benefits. If you have a greater risk for oral diseases, you may qualify for extra dental benefits and related care, including additional cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants and periodontal maintenance.
Talk to your dentist about the Health through Oral Wellness program and see if they are registered. Once signed up, your dentist can perform a clinical oral health risk assessment to determine your risk of tooth decay, gum disease and/or oral cancer. Based on your risk score, you may be eligible for enhanced benefits to help improve your oral health.
If you qualify, make sure to use these extra dental benefits to:
See if you qualify Just follow these simple steps to get started:
To remain eligible for enhanced benefits, you must have a clinical oral health risk assessment conducted by a registered dentists at least once every plan year. Based on your risk score, you may qualify to continue receiving extra benefits. If you do not have an annual assessment or if your oral health improves, you may no longer qualify for these enhanced benefits.
Learn more about Health through Oral Wellness.
If you need extra dental care, choosing a plan that includes Delta Dental’s Health through Oral Wellness can help you maximize your dental benefits so you can achieve and maintain optimal oral wellness.
Questions? We’re here to help. Please email the Moda Health Dental Customer Service team at PEBBcustomerservice@modahealth.com to learn more.
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