Winter 2021

Feeling down this winter? Get help with Meru Health

The new therapy treatment program from your smartphone can help you reduce stress, anxiety, depression and everything in between.

Shorter days and colder weather got you down? You’re not alone.

If you find yourself stuck at home battling more stress and anxiety than usual, Moda Health partner Meru Health now offers a 12-week mobile therapy treatment program to help you reduce stress, depression and everything in between, at low cost.*

Available to Moda Health members 18 or order who live in Oregon, Idaho or Washington, this completely confidential program offers:

* Your initial evaluation call will be billed to Moda Health as the same member cost-share (subject to any deductible) as your in‐network virtual care visit for mental health. After the initial evaluation call, this program is available at zero cost to Moda Health members.

During these challenging times of COVID, we can all use a little support to help us feel better both physically and mentally.

If you are feeling down or your mood is affecting you personally and professionally, we encourage you to visit today to sign up and start feeling better for the long-term.


For questions about this program, please contact the Meru Health Care team at or 833-940-1385.

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