Fall 2018

Mammograms save lives. Get yours today.

Did you know that with early detection, a woman’s chance for surviving breast cancer is 98.5 percent? This is why doctors recommend that women over the age of 40 get a mammogram to assess their risk of breast cancer.

1 in 8 Women Will Develop Breast Cancer

Research shows that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Mammograms, which can sometimes find cancer up to three years before it can be felt, play an important role in the fight against breast cancer.

Despite being the second most common cancer among women in the United States, breast cancer doesn’t always cause symptoms in its early stages.

This is why getting checked every one or two years is so important. When found and treated early through a mammogram or another noninvasive screening, it dramatically increases a woman’s chances for survival.

Know your screening options If you are not sure about when to get screened, talk to your healthcare provider about the best screening options. Your doctor can tell you about the benefits and risks to help you decide what screening test is right for you.

While doing everything you can to stay healthy is important, having a mammogram can help you identify any problems early that can be treated. According to Susan G. Komen, the world’s largest breast cancer organization, mammography is the most effective screening tool for finding breast cancer in most women.

Talk to your doctor today about the exams you need and when you should begin.

To learn more about breast cancer and screening, visit the Susan G. Komen website.

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