Spring 2022

See what’s NEW for the 2022-23 plan year!

Get more value and variety this upcoming plan year, and enjoy some exciting additions.

Available for all Moda Health medical members starting Oct. 1, 2022

The better benefits include:




** Please check with your entity on their plan selection as some entities do not offer all Moda Health medical plans or Delta Dental Plans.

Delta Dental plan options

1 Deductible waived.
2 Under this incentive plan, benefits start at 70 percent for your first plan year of coverage. Thereafter, benefit payments increase by 10 percent each plan year (up to a maximum benefit of 100 percent) provided the individual has visited the dentist at least once during the previous plan year. Failure to do so will cause a 10 percent reduction in benefit payment the following plan year, although payment will never fall below 70 percent
3 This plan has no out-of-network benefit. Services performed outside the Delta Dental PPO network are not covered unless for a dental emergency.

Medical plans 1-7 (Connexus Network)

1 Deductible waived. All amounts reflect member responsibility. Subscriber-only amounts shown. Family deductible and out-of-pocket maximums vary by plan. See plan options brochure for details.


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